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2023 January 10 HOA Meeting Minutes

02/17/2024 1:10pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting: HOA Meeting
Date: January 10, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room C

Meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM Attendees:

 HOA Board
o Ron Thompson (RT)

o Steve M Hazime (SH) o Carol Savoni (CS)
o Dr. Derek Bair (DB) o Hassan Ajami (HA)

 Others
o Debi Micallef (IPM)

o Carl Yoder
o 2 homeowners

  1. RT started with a call to order

  2. Approval of agenda

a. Approved 5-0 4. Approval of minutes

a. Approved 5-0

  1. President’s Report

    1. No formal report

    2. Hit the ground running, working as a well-oiled machine

  2. Treasurer’s report

    1. No formal report

    2. Financial comings

    3. Bank accounts transferred

    4. CapitalOne account transitioned to Huntington bank

      1. What to do with surplus amount?

      2. Move to next agenda

    5. Year-end financials

i. Working with Debi

7. Architectural Review
a. No new requests yet

b. Download requests from website

  1. Weekly reviews

  2. Send list to board members

  3. Zoom meeting

  4. Mondays 6pm

  5. How to decide on requests?

    1. If clear and logical and ACC approves, no need for board

    2. If complex issue, do full board review


  1. No recent meetings

  2. Financials sent monthly, Carl has them

  3. Overview plan for 2023

    i. Road repairs
    ii. Engineering firm does PACER rating

1. Marks off repair areas
iii. Should have ample amount of money for road repairs

  1. Berms & trees in sub are HOA responsibility

  2. Drains

    i. See item 9.a & 9.d

  3. Backlog of work

  4. Completed paths on North side

    1. South & West are next

    2. Paid for by the Township

1. Everything on the golf course is Township’s responsibility

  1. CS – some large potholes on Mornington close to Country Club

  2. No date set for next meeting

9. Webmaster

  1. Looking for feedback on website

  2. CS – couldn’t log into site

  3. CS – not all board members listed

  4. CY – can’t find map of subdivision

  5. HA – how many homeowners have sent in info forms?

    1. About half to date

    2. Debi will send information collected so far

10. Old Business
a. 2023 Landscaping Quotes

i. Debi

  1. Only 1 bid so far from Oakley

  2. Reaching out to 2 others

  3. Needs board’s input on RFP content

  4. RT – want to see detail on what’s provided in the bid

  5. Debi – Oakley not doing irrigation

  6. SH – ok with combined bid but with breakouts

  7. CY – see who the other subs use?

  1. Oakley does Fairway Pines

  2. Possibly also Pheasant View

  1. Contractors having hard time finding workers

  2. Whoever does irrigation needs to have well experience

    1. Include in the RFP language

    2. Old quotes from Kribly

    3. Keller did original work

  3. RFPs are self-explanatory

a. Need to add detail of what and where

11. Some areas not handled by landscaping a. Golf course responsibility?

i. In past, golf course has said for HOA to handle and send bill

b. Worth arguing with golf course or township or just handle it?

  1. SH – IPM to create draft RFP

    1. Board to review before posting

    2. IPM to come back with recommendation

  2. Chery Hill berm

    1. HOA responsible for

    2. Berm up to roadway

b. Glengarry Well
i. Nothing but promises from PRRMA

1. Next step was lot survey

  1. SH – replaced locks on well disconnects

  2. Met homeowner and looked at setup

  3. Cherry Hill well working

  4. Glengarry well needs extensive repair

  5. Need to come to understanding on how to fix it

  6. Then figure out property lines

1. Does homeowner have access?

viii. Debi working on quotes
1. SH ok with meeting vendors on-site

  1. Homeowner stated people have tried to steal equipment

  2. Put box around well equipment to secure it

  3. CY – approx. original cost $24k for both

1. Saved $10k/yr

xii. Canton Twp has no interest in being involved in fixing

  1. Will get survey done

    1. Bill Surcheck

    2. CY to reach out to him

  2. HOA to get all costs and send to Twsp

  3. 60/40 split (Twsp/HOA)

c. Tree Trimming/Replacement Strategy

  1. CS – Franks is coming out

  2. Austrian Pines along berm

    1. Don’t want to replace with same

    2. Only 2-3 that could be saved

  3. Previously homeowner cut down legacy trees

    1. Had to plant 3 for each

    2. $500 per tree 8 yrs ago

a. ~ $1,000 per tree nowadays iv. Need plan to replace

1. Start with bad condition

  1. Treatment plans?

    1. Only a few that could be saved

    2. Look at cost of treatment vs. new

  2. SH - What would it cost to replace all?

    1. CS – need to reach out to tree company for new and removing old trees

    2. RT – for projects that need heavy equipment, best to do multiple at one time vs band-aid

  3. 3 year plan?

  4. DB – how much of dues goes to the surplus?

    1. Nothing going to surplus for at least 8 yrs

    2. HOA is not required to set money aside

  5. Raise dues, special assessment?

  6. CS to reach out to vendors

1. Put together prioritized list of trees

  1. CS – offer to homeowners that back into berm to cover half?

  2. Debi – replaced trees at another sub, deciduous trees ~ $500/tree

  3. Can’t always re-plant where previous trees were

11. New Business

a. Glengarry Storm Drain
i. Crews were out to clear the drain

1. Township truck?

  1. Another drain half-full of sludge? Per Dave, the homeowner

  2. Round drains in yards are HOA responsibility

1. Some outlets to golf course ponds

a. Golf course not maintaining them
iv. Andrew – in 2022, pump truck was out clearing storm drain

b. Drain

  1. For HOA round storm drains

  2. Had Midwest come out before to do this

    1. Last time was ~5ys ago

    2. Debi to request quote

  3. CY – PRRMA had quote from Oakley for 1-time cleaning of all road



iv. Send “Do’s & Don’ts” to homeowners 1. DB to work on

a. Send him ideas 2. Website email blast?

c. Ordinance violations

  1. Code Enforcement Chair – RT

  2. Need to start documenting issues

d. Golf Course French drains

i. Not HOA responsibility, Dave to deal with Golf Course e. Street drain cleaning by PRRMA

i. Covered in 10.a
f. Homeowner survey on changes to Covenants & Restrictions

  1. RT – put allot of thought into it

  2. Limited time frame to make amendments

  3. 2/3 of vote to amend – come into effect in 3 yrs

  4. 80% vote – come into effect immediately

  5. Start out with simple and non-controversial topics

    1. Change vote threshold to 51%

    2. RT to draft language

    3. Signatures vs. votes?

12. Public Comments

  1. Valerie – Mailboxes, other subs have similar style

    1. Get company to offer mailbox package to all homeowners

    2. Debi to check with Fairway Pines on who did theirs

  2. Andrew – Difficult to find contractors to repair/replace portions of driveways

i. Not getting Twsp to respond to permit requests

13. Next meeting planned for February 14, 2023 @ 6:30 pm 14. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm

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