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2023 March 7 HOA Meeting Minutes

02/17/2024 1:12pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting: HOA Meeting
Date: March 7, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room C

Meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM Attendees:

 HOA Board
o Ron Thompson (RT)

o Steve M Hazime (SH) o Carol Savoni (CS)
o Dr. Derek Bair (DB) o Hassan Ajami (HA)

 Others
o Debi Micallef (IPM)

o Carl Yoder
o 2 homeowners

  1. RT started with a call to order

  2. Approval of agenda

    1. Addition to agenda – see latest copy

    2. Approved 5-0

  3. Approval of minutes

a. Approved 5-0 5. President’s Report

a. No formal report 6. Treasurer’s report

a. No formal report 7. Architectural Review

a. Homeowner windows

  1. Castanaso

  2. Modification request

  3. Are muntins/grids required?

  4. Window frame colors

1. Neutral color
v. RT – any reason why not wanting grid?

1. Rear windows don’t have them

2. Only replacing front & side
a. Rear windows were replaced by previous owner w/o grids

  1. Many houses don’t have them

  2. SH - Are grids mentioned in C&R?

    1. No, only reference to consistent look

    2. CS – was required by original home builder

i. Front only

  1. HA – was grid question the only issue?

  2. Vote – 1-4
    a. CS–No

b. RT, SH, DB, HA – Yes 7. DB – advice to homeowner

a. Make sure they use same trim around all windows

b. Patio

  1. Request did not come in through portal

  2. Asked Andrew to send email to homeowner to resubmit through portal

1. No update yet

c. Email i. ii. iii. iv.

from homeowner
Sunken entrance at driveway Causing issues with lawn Recently replaced driveway Next PRRMA mtg is 3/14

d. Potholes i.

ii. iii.

Asked about on last mtg
No plans to work on until spring
Send email with house address for any pothole issues



  1. Road

  2. Main

    1. Entrance at Glengarry & Beck

    2. Block one side at a time

    3. Could start in couple weeks

condition report sent out - PACER

roadwork impact

e. SH - Sections were concrete meets asphalt
i. No movement on this from PRRMA, CY will bring up next meeting

f. SH – Storm drain on Mornington Ct
i. No movement yet, CY will bring up next meeting

g. CS - Puddling on cart path, ices over
i. Have to cross cart path to get around

h. No date set for next meeting 9. Old Business

a. Glengarry Well

  1. SH working with Debi to get contractors

  2. 2 came out so far

1. 3rd wanted excessive fee

  1. Quote provided by 1st company - Adams

    1. Replace controller and disconnect

    2. Not sure on pump

  2. 2nd company came out - Brown

    1. Got pump to run ~15s before tripping

    2. Pump should be OK, controller and disconnect need to be


  3. Controller price ~ $5,108

1. 2yr old quote from Kribly ~ $5k

  1. Original well builder did not respond to quote

  2. Was controller damaged intentionally?

  3. Controller is exposed to elements

1. Need to find way to protect it before any decision to replace

  1. At some point, sprinklers need to be fixed

  2. CY – long-term issue btwn HOA, PRRMA, Township

    1. Agreement was that PRRMA pays HOA and gets reimbursed from


    2. Attend next mtg to support discussion

  3. CY – PRRMA asking Spalding DeDecker (SDA) to do a survey

    1. Lot # 60

    2. Will put well on survey

    3. Funds approved, waiting on SDA to do the work

  4. HOA submit 60% of costs to PRRMA

    1. Need pre-approval of quote before doing any work

    2. Get back on the cost sharing plan

  5. RT – need to arm SH with info and authority to approve contract

  6. CS – need to know for sure where the well is

1. CY – nothing will happen until survey is done
a. 5 weeks was from last PRRMA mtg in Feb

  1. RT – Issue is still Dave and his access to well

    1. Dave does not want fence

    2. What other options to protect the equipment?

  2. SH – asking board to support moving forward with Adams quote

    1. Vote 5-0 to approve

    2. Debi reached out to multiple companies, only 3 responded

  3. Have to move to irrigation system right after

1. Sprinkler heads need replacement b. Homeowner tree trimming complaint

  1. Hayder’s house

  2. SH – trees on street are homeowner’s responsibility

  3. Back to original issue with tree trimming – 2 limbs overhanging his house

    1. CS – limbs were very high up (~40ft)

    2. SH – limbs closer to ground

iv. SH – if sending vendor to trim HOA responsibility trees 1. What is the priority?

  1. Cost savings

  2. Health of tree

v. CS – Homeowner thinks house extends to tree-line

1. Cut into commons area, not his property

  1. Was any response sent to Hayder?

    1. Debi responded that it will be discussed by board

    2. With new fallen tree, HOA trim back to property line

    3. Still need response to original issue

  2. CS – in past, trim back to lot line

1. Keep deadfall in common area

viii. Debi – need to respond definitively on plan of action 1. And be consistent going forward

ix. CS – many houses are close to common areas
1. Can’t go around trimming to where homeowner thinks line ends

  1. SH – need to explain what was done and why

  2. RT – Need set policies and procedures

    1. Aggressive trimming – not just up to the property line

    2. CS – proper way is to trim branch back to the trunk

a. If do this, might as well remove the tree 3. Hayder is nitpicking to get what he wants

  1. From his perspective – why wasn’t it trimmed completely while contractor was out

  2. CS – Hayder previously said he would pay to get it done

  1. SH – how to explain to the homeowner and make a standard?

  2. RT – Hayder’s complain was branches still overhanging his house

  3. CS – will go out and measure 6ft from edge of house -> lot line

    1. Take pictures up from that point

    2. RT will discuss final decision with Hayder

10. New Business
a. 2023 Landscaping Quotes - Debi

i. 5 bids to-date

  1. 3 went off the original RFP, not latest

  2. Very difficult to get anyone out to bid

  3. Oakley

a. All except irrigation

  1. Premier

    1. All except weeding

    2. Was not broken out

  2. Reliable

a. No mulch 6. DJS

a. No mulch, no irrigation

7. Serene

  1. All services, most expensive

  2. Bid using previous RFP

8. Tilt
a. Waiting on bid

ii. Some quoted parts of the scope
1. Only 1 quoted full service, very high

  1. SH has option for irrigation

  2. CY has another option

  3. CS – Irrigation company needs to service wells

  4. One irrigation co came out, bid, then withdrew bid

  5. Debi knows some co’s

    1. Old Faithful

    2. Oakley – not doing irrigation this year

  6. Debi will get updates and send out to board

  7. RT – If decision needed before next meeting, can do special vote

  8. Debi – any issue with Oakley?

    1. Does good work

    2. RT – only complaint is grass left on berm

    3. Send everything out by Friday

  9. SH – make decision by 3/15

b. Drain
i. Approve contract with Midwest – 5-0

Inspection contract

1. Out of reserves contract

i. RT – Only engaged if we send him anything

  1. Debi – Only cost to HOA is if foreclosure

  2. Approved – 5-0

d. Irrigation system
i. Covered under landscaping

e. Tree Strategy

  1. Multiple trees along Glengarry median

  2. Need to walk the boulevard with contractor

  3. SH – volunteers to help clean up?

1. Limited to only smaller stuff

  1. CS – spruce tree at Cherry Hill entrance damaged?

  2. Township working with GFL to set date for pickup

  3. Large trees overhanging street

  4. Large evergreen on Mornington

    1. Rental house

      1. Renter will not take care of tree

      2. Need to reach out to landlord

      3. Debi to send info to SH

    2. CS – option is HOA to remove tree and bill homeowner

viii. Need to get tree companies to look at work on median

  1. Debi will send list of contactors to CS

  2. CS will meet with contractors and show work to be done

a. Send bids out to board for final approval

  1. CS – send notice to homeowners about who’s responsible to clean up


    1. Debi – OK to send out what S wrote?

    2. HOA only responsible for trees in common area

    3. Homeowners responsible for trees btwn sidewalk and roadway

    4. CS – have to replace per Canton ordinances

  2. SH – Was list of trees to be replaced sent out?

    1. CS – Sent out pricing per tree

    2. Not going to spend time ID’g trees if no work will be done

    3. Tree costs

      a. ~$500

      b. ~$750

    4. SH – review budget and see what can be allocated for tree


  3. CS – additional tree on berm on Cherry Hill needs to be replaced

1. Include with storm cleanup
xii. RT – move rest of agenda to next month

  1. Procurement Policy

    1. SH sent out policy, any comments?

    2. CS – Articles of incorporation

      1. Can’t accept gifts at all

      2. All decisions have to be approved by majority of directors

    3. Set up petty cash account for expenditures?

    4. RT – vote to approve procurement policy

      1. Remove gift language

      2. Vote 5-0

    5. SH will share articles

  2. Alternative Energy

i. RT – legal perspective, something doesn’t have to be specifically barred

to not be allowed
1. Has to be valid rationale to not allow

ii. RT – Consistency
1. Alters appearance of houses

iii. HA – C&R restricts towers, antennas, ...
1. CS – courts allowed sat dishes previously

  1. SH – no to windmills, indifferent to solar panels

    1. Propose surveying the homeowners

    2. Homeowner – what are other HOA’s doing?

  2. RT–howtodoasurvey? 1. Website?

a. Check with Andrew – HA

  1. If not through website, can he do surveymonkey?

  2. Need updated email addresses

2. Combine with other questions

h. Amendment to Covenants and Restrictions

  1. RT – Bylaws require 2/3 vote to amend C&R

    1. 2/3 vote -> becomes active in 3yrs

    2. 80% - active immediately

  2. Proposed amendment to change to 51%

  3. What’s the best way to approach this?

    1. Start via email, move to in-person next

    2. Debi – concern if homeowner signs then moves before final


  4. DB – Show examples of positive changes that can be made

  5. RT – recommend having outside lawfirm to review language

1. Will reach out to previously used law firm

  1. Debi – will reach out to homeowners without email on record to get info

  2. RT – review amendment language and send comments

1. Add plain text explanation

a. RT will work on i. Christmas Decorations

  1. CS – have 4 bins of old decorations

    1. Don’t want to store them if will never use

    2. Put out for garage sale, proceeds to HOA fund

  2. Motion to attempt to sell, or trash

1. Vote 5-0

11. Public Comments
a. Emailed comments

i. Snowplowing issues

  1. Mailbox knocked over

    1. Township caused it

    2. Took care of it

  2. Hard snow piles in driveways

    1. Can’t do anything about it

    2. Speed required to move the snow

  3. DB – house across from him, snow pushed up damaging grass

  4. Inform homeowner if damage caused, reach out to HOA

12. Next meeting planned for April 11, 2023 @ 6:30 pm

  1. PRRMA meets 2nd Tuesday

  2. Move to 1st Tuesday

i. Debi to verify room availability 13. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm

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