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2023 June 6 HOA Meeting Minutes

02/17/2024 1:17pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting: HOA Meeting
Date: June 6, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D

Meeting was called to order at 6:42 PM by RT

 HOA Board

o Ron Thompson (RT)
o Steve M Hazime (SH)
o Dr. Derek Bair (DB) - Zoom o Hassan Ajami (HA)
o Carol Savoni (CS)

 Others
o Carl Yoder (CY)

o Debi Micallef (DM)
o Evelina (homeowner) – Zoom o Loraine (homeowner)
o Valerie Krimmer (homeowner)

1. Approval of agenda
a. Agenda approved 5-0

2. Approval of minutes a. Approved 5-0

3. President’s Report a. No report

4. Treasurer’s report a. No report

5. Architectural Review

  1. Trees put in on 6/3

  2. Cromboli fixed the 2 broken heads

  3. Sprinklers on @ 30 min duration

i. Cut back in 2 weeks, CS will contract DM about it d. 46527 Mornington Backyard Landscaping Additions

i. AC unit issue on side of house
1. Some houses have a “kick-out” on side where AC is

ii. If we don’t require sticking to C&R, everyone can do whatever they want

1. Discuss in closed session
iii. DB – would the AC issue have come up if not for the arch review


  1. No one noticed it before

  2. Code Enforcement review would have highlighted it?

e. Lots of work going on without Arch Requests i. What do we do about it?

1. Closed session discussion


  1. Last month’s meeting was missing key people

  2. Potholes patched

    1. Missed one on Glengarry

    2. CY reported it, was fixed

  3. Resurfacing

    1. Working on contract

    2. Certain segments in plans for 2023

1. Mornington possibly

iii. Grind down ~2” and fill in d. Sidewalks

  1. Some discussions, but nothing finalized

  2. Issue with cement at Mornington by the 4th hole

7. Code Enforcement

  1. ID’d what codes the township will enforce

  2. Group to walk the sub

    1. Review C&R and Code list beforehand and be prepared

    2. Compile list of houses and issues

    3. Put owners on notice before going to Township

1. xx # of days to correct

  1. CS – Previous boards used to send letters out

    1. Can’t say they didn’t get the email

    2. Debi will send out letters

  2. Loraine – Code that the township is willing to enforce?

    1. In past, Township would pick & choose what to enforce

    2. RT – will push them to enforce all

a. Have a master plan on how to approach Township vi. Who will be part of the group?

  1. RT – How long of an effort? 3-4 hrs?

  2. CS – Will be longer

    1. Should have a checklist

    2. RT – If longer than 5hrs, split into multiple days

    3. In past, Ordinance officer required HOA revisit to check if

      work was done

8. Old Business
a. Glengarry Well

i. ii. b. Drain i.

ii. iii. iv.

Grag @ CLS still talking to township attorney

SH will follow up with him again Repairs

Midwest bid came in
1. Was for PRRMA drains only
2. Never sent a referral for another company

LGC did a site visit, did they send a bid?
DM will check with PRRMA on who they use DM will update board via email

3. RT, CS, DB, Loraine, Valerie 4. Dates?

a. ID available weekend days

c. Amendment to Covenants and Restrictions
i. Outside counsel reviewed the wording and made suggestions

  1. Add provision to eliminate the 3-year rule

  2. For current amendment

    1. 2/3 vote – effective in 3 years

    2. 80% – effective immediately

  3. Thoughts on how to get signatures?

    1. Divide sub into sections?

    2. SH – Use Docusign?

      1. Need to set up Pro account w/PowerForms

      2. DM will look into

  4. CY – Notary required?

a. For the overall document, not each signature

5. CS – Fairway Pines changed their C&R recently a. They used Docusign

  1. RT – starting with amendment vote requirement for now

  2. Loraine – Do it before the code visits

d. Homeowner Survey – Solar - SH
i. Attach powerpoint to meeting minutes

1. HA – post on website, send to AN

  1. 66 people responded to survey

  2. Comments in the excel file, board should review

  3. Someone should take lead to do more research - HA

    1. Panel technology & equipment

    2. Real estate impacts

    3. Guidelines

a. Valerie – Will this be in the C&R?
i. RT – Should be officially entered

e. Tree Replacement - CS
i. Trees replaced on the berm

  1. Other areas with diseased trees

  2. Some areas were planted with too many trees originally

1. Cherry Hill island, trees overhanging road a. Can Oakley do them? Or Franks

i. DM to check
iv. Cherry Hill entrance needs to be redone

1. Need future plans to update landscaping

9. New Business
a. Online Portal

i. Only for Arch Review requests (aside from accounting) 10. Public Comments

a. Emailed comments
i. Mailbox replacement

1. DB – That ship has sailed

  1. Reasonable to set up a standard look

  2. HA will respond

i. RT – if asking if HOA will pay for replacement, not in HOA budget. If asking about making homeowners replace with a standard unit, not part of HOA’s power.

  1. Is there a timeline to reinforce the removal of broken branches, dead branches or if the trees grow too low on the sidewalks?

    1. Part of the code enforcement push

    2. RT – These are being identified and homeowners will be notified

      and given time to correct (14/30 days)?

  2. Is it possible to power wash the stones at the two entrances to the

    subdivision (Cherry Hill and Beck Road) that look very rusty, and plant some rose bushes to brighten the appeal of our subdivision

    1. Rose bushes will not work, salt kills them

    2. Monuments are PRRMA responsibility

    3. Need to adjust sprinklers

      1. Don’t want them spraying the monuments

      2. Plan for the fall blowout

b. In-person
i. Loraine – When can a homeowner comment during the meeting?

1. RT – Should wait until the end, unless as part of a discussion ii. L – Township is requiring HOA approval for permits?

1. Township changed their rules, HOA approval not required anymore

a. Long email discussion about the change iii. L – Tree trimming, 7ft at sidewalk

  1. Common areas have low hanging tree branches

  2. Who handles those?

  3. DM to check with Oakley

  1. L – Anyone going to the Neighborhood Know-How Meeting?

    1. June 21st

    2. Usually, board members attend

    3. Ordinance officer is giving a presentation

    4. HA – Will attend

  2. L – Submitted for patio request, did not get response

1. DM – approval was sent, will resend

  1. L – House with large boat and trailer, now has 2nd trailer

  2. L – Started firestorm on Nextdoor

1. Contractor put up screens at another sub a. Privacy screens

  1. Are these restricted in our HOA?

  2. Do they fall under the definition of a Fence?

viii. L – Houses backing up to wooded areas expanding their property

1. Adverse possession
a. Requires exclusivity

2. Have letter on file from before, will send to CS 11. Next meeting not planned at this time

12. Public meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm 13. Entered closed session at 8:23 pm 14. Closed Session adjourned at 8:37 pm

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