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2023 August 1 HOA Meeting Minutes

02/24/2024 10:26am

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting: HOA Meeting
Date: August 1, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D

Meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by RT

 HOA Board

o Ron Thompson (RT) o Dr. Derek Bair (DB) o Hassan Ajami (HA) o Carol Savoni (CS)

o Steve Hazime (SH) - Zoom  Others

o Debi Micallef (DM)
o Andrew Nowak (homeowner)
o Homeowner
o Homeowner
o Homeowner
o Brian Burke (homeowner) – Zoom o BB (homeowner) - Zoom

1. Approval of agenda
a. Agenda approved 4-0

2. Approval of minutes a. Approved 4-0

3. President’s Report
a. Amendment discussion, will cover later

4. Treasurer’s report a. No report

5. Architectural Review a. CS

  1. Circle drive house corrected issues ID’d by board

  2. Still have issue with driveway extension

    1. Approved as patio extension

    2. Using it to park cars

3. Talk to homeowner about not parking cars there a. CS&HA

b. DB
i. Original Canton plan was for HOA’s to enforce rules

1. HOA had to approve prior to Township approval ii. Township now backpedaled, they want to enforce

  1. Took power away from HOAs

  2. Township not require HOA approval now

c. Homeowner

  1. Why even have HOAs now if Township taking over enforcement?

  2. Homeowner parking work trailer in driveway

  3. Tree limbs too low

d. CS

  1. Township not even enforcing ordinances

  2. Already went out and logged issues

a. No report

7. Code Enforcement a. RT

  1. Been here since 95

  2. Seen the downfall

  3. Ran for HOA President position back then to make sure issues were addressed

  4. Big issue is ignoring C&Rs leads to other doing the same or worse

  5. Many issues are violations of C&R & Township ordinances

  6. C&R has no teeth

1. Reason for the amendment

b. DB

  1. Reason for lowering threshold is low turnout

  2. Elections only had 98 homes out of 263 vote

c. RT

  1. Potential violations ID’s

  2. Plan is to send letters to homeowners to fix issues, then escalate to


  3. For now, hold off on sending letters until amendment passes

d. CS
i. Talk to your neighbors about the amendment

  1. Reason for it

  2. Simple majority

e. RT
i. Will put together letter for board review and eventually send to


  1. Explain what we’re doing and why

  2. Ask homeowners to talk to their neighbors

  1. Resend DocuSign 2-3 days after

  2. In-person for who’s left

f. DB
i. Many things in C&R are set in 1994, its time to update it

g. Homeowner
i. Almost gave up, thinking of leaving the sub

  1. CS

    1. There are some really bad issues

    2. ID them and talk to them to take care of the issue

  2. DM

i. Better luck with calling the homeowner vs sending letters

  1. Send list of homes with major issues to DM

  2. RT has list from CS

  3. Will combine with DB’s list and email out

  4. Issues with dead trees or trees not replaced with proper type

8. Old Business
a. Glengarry Well

  1. Well was fixed

  2. Township did a survey, well was not on his property

  3. Homeowner told it’s not his property

  4. Contractor out to fix well, issue with homeowner

1. Police called

  1. Contractor was out to set up sprinklers

    1. Homeowner came out and caused issues

    2. Police called again

    3. Directive is to call police if he’s in the well area

  2. Homeowner – He was told he could use the well water originally

  3. It’s not HOA property, belongs to the Township

  4. Sprinklers are being worked on

b. Drain
i. 2 quotes in so far, waiting for more

c. Amendment to C&R

  1. Already discussed

  2. RT - Motion to draft letter explaining amendment

    1. Pass 4-0

    2. AN – Use a forwarding # that can be disconnected?

  3. Homeowner – How many signatures per house?

1. 1, has to be the homeowner, renters don’t qualify iv. RT

  1. 88 opened DocuSign

  2. 73 signed

  3. Some had questions, cleared up through email

  4. 80% takes effect immediately

  5. 66% takes effect in 3 years


d. Solar Survey
i. SH – Does board want to allow solar?

9. New Business a. None

  1. Approve contingent on Arch committee developing guidelines

  2. Task Arch Review with developing guidelines on solar

  3. Motion – Approve solar panels with contingency that Arch review

    develop guidelines and review requests

a. Approved 4-0, 1 abstain (CS)

  1. CS – concern with guidelines locking some homeowners out from any solar

    1. Houses that face South or West

    2. No panels on front

    3. Panels facing golf course

  2. Nothing in C&R restricting them, want to get ahead and create guidelines

10. Public Comments
a. Meeting Minutes

i. Post to website when approved

  1. Next meeting planned for September 5, 2023 @ 6:30 pm

  2. Public meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm

  3. Entered closed session at 7:48 pm

  4. Closed Session adjourned at 8:06 pm

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