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2024 February 6 HOA Meeting Minutes

07/20/2024 2:27pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association  Meeting Minutes  

Meeting: HOA Meeting  

Date: February 6, 2024  

Time: 6:30 p.m.  

Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D  

Meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM by RT  


 HOA Board  

o Ron Thompson (RT)  

o Hassan Ajami (HA)  

o Steve Hazime (SH)  

o Andrew Nowak (AN)  

 Others  

o Debi Micallef (DM)  

Discussions prior to the September meeting:  

1. Approval of agenda  

a. Approved 4-0  

2. Approval of minutes  

a. Approved 4-0  

3. President’s Report  

a. No report  

4. Treasurer’s report  

a. No report  

b. DM  

i. 34 people have not paid 2024 dues, better than 2023  

ii. 4 in collections from 2023 & before  

5. Architectural Review  

a. 2 requests  

i. Addition to the house  

1. Need more information from howeowner  

ii. Solar addition  

6. PRRMA  

a. Road repair map released  

7. Code Enforcement 

a. No report  

8. Old Business  

a. Solar Guidelines  

i. AN – Draft guidelines developed  

ii. Solar electric Panels/shingles will be considered on a case by case basis  if they follow the following guidelines:  

1. Cannot be visible to the street from the front of the house.  

2. Houses on corner lots get a partial exception - only side with front  door is restricted from having panels.  

3. If the panels are the same color as the roof, and do not stick up  

above the height of the shingles exemption for the front of the  

house is considered, with samples and renderings provided.  

4. Roofing must still look consistent with the neighborhood.  

5. Panels must be mounted on the roof, not freestanding or on the  

side of the house.  

6. All installations must be Permitted, and installed by professionals,  no homeowner installs will be approved.  

7. No Wires or conduits should be visible or exposed on the roof.  

8. Any wires or conduits installed should be on the back of the  

house, and be as short of a run as possible to meet requirements.  

iii. RT – Motion to approve the guidelines with caveat that they can be  amended.  

1. HA – Second  

2. Discussion  

a. SH – How about houses in a cul-de-sac? Back can be seen  

from the street.  

b. AN – Main focus is not to have it visible from the main  

road in front of the house  

3. Approved 4-0  

iv. AN – When/how do we want to make this available to the community  1. DM – Any guideline/rule needs to be posted, can’t take effect  

until 30 days.  

a. Good idea to mail to homeowners.  

b. Post on website is ok.  

c. Send email to all homeowners.  

2. AN – Will create a formal document and send for review.  

9. New Business  

a. Glengary Well  

i. Well area is flooded  

b. Website Cleanup  

i. AN – Working on it  

ii. DM – Purpose?  

1. SH - Cleanup, update  

2. DM – Can be sent through AppFolio 

3. AN – Need to update homeowner list  

a. No homeowner’s sent updated info w/2024 dues  

4. DM – Request updated information with any homeowner changes  c. C&R changes  

i. RT – Could not get close to 50%  

ii. SH – Any other options for changes?  

1. Force the issue with consistent dues increases  

iii. RT – Sent at least 2 rounds of ballots & emails  

1. Personal visits? Not worth the effort given the low turnout  

2. Some homeowners said they have no trust in HOA not to abuse  

their power  

iv. DM – Meeting at Summit on rentals had lots of negative reactions  10. Public Comments  

a. None  

11. Next meeting planned for March 5, 2024 @ 6:30 pm  

12. Public meeting adjourned at 7:01 pm 


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