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2024 March 5 HOA Meeting Minutes

07/20/2024 2:27pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association


Meeting Minutes


Meeting: HOA Meeting

Date: March 5, 2024

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D


Meeting was called to order at 6:34 PM by RT



  • HOA Board
    • Ron Thompson (RT)
    • Hassan Ajami (HA)
    • Derek Bair (DB)
    • Andrew Nowak (AN)
  • Others
    • Debi Micallef (DM)
    • Carl Yoder


Discussions prior to the September meeting:


  1. Approval of agenda
    1. Approved 4-0
  2. Approval of minutes
    1. Approved 4-0
  3. President’s Report
    1. No report
  4. Treasurer’s report
    1. No report
  5. Architectural Review
    1. 3 requests
      1. Addition to the house
        1. Need more information from howeowner
      2. Solar addition Glengarry
        1. David Wdowiak
          1. 3 panels on front of house
            1. Not approved per the guidelines
            2. Modify and resubmit
            3. Debi to reply
      3. Solar addition Glengarry
        1. Andrew Nowak
  6. PRRMA
    1. Road repair map released
      1. Fairways supposed to be first one worked on
      2. No start date defined yet
      3. Send notice to all homeowners when work is starting and restrictions
        1. No parking on road
    2. Country Club Ct sidewalk
      1. Issue due to broken water main
      2. Homeowner had replaced driveway before
      3. Road at end of driveway sinking
        1. PRRMA will fix when doing roadwork
    3. External sidewalks (Cherry Hill, Beck)
      1. PRRMA will handle it
    4. Entrances
      1. Who’s responsible for these?
        1. Beck Rd is Township property
      2. Landscaping
        1. Replace trees/shrubs
        2. Fill in gaps
      3. Power washing due to rust color
      4. Power outlet on Cherry Hill
        1. Existing lights there, but no outlet
  7. Code Enforcement
    1. DB working on demand letter
  8. Old Business
    1. Website Cleanup
      1. AN – Complete!
      2. Missing October and November minutes
      3. Check website for issues
  9. New Business
    1. Cherry Hill Entrance
      1. Power access
      2. Landscaping plan
        1. Derek & Carol meeting 3/6
        2. Trees need to be checked, some not healthy
        3. Planting plan?
          1. Annuals, perennials
        4. Oakley can handle planting annuals/perennials
          1. Wasn’t done in past due to sprinkler issues
          2. Separate quote
            1. 3 areas, < $3k
              1. CH entrance
              2. Glengarry off of Beck
              3. Transition btwn subs @ Glengarry
        5. AN – Use native plants?
      3. AN – Does Oakley do any seeding?
        1. Not in their scope
        2. Wait to see how it recovers with sprinklers working now
    2. New Trash Pickup
    3. Tree Replacement
      1. Survey required to note which to take care of first
      2. Can’t do all, not enough budget
  10. Public Comments
    1. None
  11. Next meeting planned for April 2, 2024 @ 6:30 pm
  12. Public meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm
  13. Closed meeting
    1. Qureshi paid off his account
    2. Higgins in a payment plan


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