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2024 April 2 HOA Meeting Minutes

07/20/2024 2:28pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association


Meeting Minutes


Meeting: HOA Meeting

Date: April 2, 2024

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D


Meeting was called to order at 6:37 PM by RT



  • HOA Board
    • Ron Thompson (RT)
    • Hassan Ajami (HA)
    • Derek Bair (DB) - Zoom
    • Andrew Nowak (AN)
  • Others
    • Debi Micallef (DM)
    • Carl Yoder


  1. Approval of agenda
    1. Add items
      1. Spring planting
      2. Sprinklers
    2. Approved 4-0
  2. Approval of minutes
    1. Approved 3-0
  3. President’s Report
    1. No report
  4. Treasurer’s report
    1. No report
    2. Taxes for 2023
    3. Updated accounting
    4. PRRMA invoices paid?
      1. DTE
    5. Digging around wellhead
  5. Architectural Review
    1. 1 request
      1. Addition to the house
        1. Need more information from homeowner
    2. Township permits done w/o ARC requests
      1. Notices sent to them
        1. Filed for permit w/o ARC request
        2. 14 days to respond IPM
        3. SH – see example of letter
      2. Solar install is the big issue
        1. Debi to call homeowner
    3. House with mini-wall in back patio
      1. CY to get address
    4. Tree issue – 427 Sandalwood
      1. Cut down all trees, even those on easement
        1. Send letter w/code requirements
  6. PRRMA
    1. Road repair map released
    2. Potholes
      1. ID potholes in areas not getting resurfacing
      2. CY – sent list to PRRMA
    3. Entrances
      1. Who’s responsible for these?
        1. Beck Rd is Township property
      2. Landscaping
        1. Replace trees/shrubs
        2. Fill in gaps
      3. Power washing due to rust color
      4. Power outlet on Cherry Hill
        1. Existing lights there, but no outlet
  7. Code Enforcement
    1. DB sent demand letter draft
      1. Make letters specific to each homeowner w/name
        1. Debi will handle that part
      2. Motion to approve letter: 5-0
  8. Old Business
    1. Chery Hill Entrance
      1. Carol put together landscaping plan
        1. Only 1 tree to be removed
        2. 1 large tree to be added
    2. Culdesacs and islands
      1. Overplanted to begin with
      2. Use the rocks and plant 1 tree if needed
        1. SH – 1 tree will not please homeowners
        2. If no plan on how to redo, prefer to keep as-is for now
        3. DB to check with Carol on islands
    3. Tree removal check
      1. DB & Franks – to be schedules
    4. Next step – get pricing
      1. Nursery that can do this type of work? Plants and landscaping
        1. Crombolis
        2. Oakley?
        3. Check with Carol for others…
    5. Motion – send Carol’s design to contractors for bid
      1. Approved 5-0
      2. DB to bring original dwg to be scanned into PDF
    6. Tree replacement
      1. 3 that might need replacement
        1. Fell during winter storms
  9. New Business
    1. Garage Sale
      1. June 1-3
      2. Promotion
        1. Signs – wk of 5/13
        2. Email to homeowners
          1. Check past emails
        3. Social media posts
      3. Motion to coordinate w/other HOAs: 5-0
        1. CY to respond to other orgs
    2. Wayne County Haz Waste pickup
      1. Email to homeowners
    3. Spring planning
      1. Get Blair out to turn on sprinklers & wells
        1. Separate invoice for Glengarry well
      2. Storm drains
        1. Still need to be done
        2. Motion to get updated quotes based upon last year’s inspection
          1. Approved 5-0
          2. Debi to request quotes
    4. DB – Trash piling up on CH entrance
      1. Alcohol, food, …
      2. When is it happening?
        1. Trail cam?
        2. Ask homeowners on each side if they’ve seen anything or have cameras
    5. Canton Neighborhood know-how meeting 4/11
  10. Public Comments
    1. None
  11. Next meeting planned for May 7, 2024 @ 6:30 pm
  12. Public meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm


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