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2024 May 7 HOA Meeting Minutes

07/20/2024 2:30pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association  Meeting Minutes  

Meeting: HOA Meeting  

Date: May 7, 2024  

Time: 6:30 p.m.  

Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D  

Meeting was called to order at 6:36 PM by RT  


 HOA Board  

o Ron Thompson (RT)  

o Hassan Ajami (HA)  

o Derek Bair (DB)  

o Andrew Nowak (AN)  

 Others  

o Carl Yoder  

1. Approval of agenda  

a. Approved 4-0  

2. Approval of minutes  

a. Revise CH entrance change  

b. Approved 4-0  

3. President’s Report  

a. No report  

4. Treasurer’s report  

a. Extension filed for 2023 Taxes  

5. Architectural Review  

a. 1 request still open  

i. Addition to the house  

1. Need more information from homeowner  

b. 1 request approved  

i. Mornington, brick pavers to concrete  

c. 1 request sent for work already done  

i. 46712 Glengarry  

d. 427 Sandalwood – cut down all trees  

i. No response from homeowner  

e. Solar work started on Sandalwood  

f. House with mini-wall in back patio 

i. CY to get address  

g. What do bylaws say about children’s playscapes  

i. Allowed in the past  

ii. Not permanent structures  

iii. Limits on size & scope?  

iv. Do they need to be submitted  

6. PRRMA  

a. Road repair started  

i. Targeted aggressive maintenance  

b. Country Club Ct house with sidewalk issue  

i. Issue below grade, PRRMA took care of  

c. Some highlighted areas are not being done  

i. Area on Mornington Ct that’s sagging  

ii. Work was supposed to have been done in 2023  

d. Overall statement – our roads are in good condition  

e. External sidewalks  

i. Notice from Township  

ii. PRRMA will absorb the cost for all sidewalk repairs  

f. Potholes  

i. ID potholes in areas not getting resurfacing  

ii. CY – sent list to PRRMA  

1. Need to update to include areas not being resurfaced  

g. Internal sidewalks  

i. CY getting list of what to be repaired  

h. Inverness & Glengarry  

i. House with tall weeds/grass  

ii. Ordinance sticker on window  

7. Code Enforcement  

a. Letters sent out  

i. One homeowner has done work  

1. 46743 Mornington  

ii. RT to get list form Debi and talk to ordinance dept  

b. 427 Sandalwood  

i. Installed external lights  

ii. String type lights  

c. Fire at 200 Mornington Ct  

i. Repair/replacement has to meet C&R  

d. Tree House in backyard  

i. Leave as-is or send letter?  

1. Send letters  

8. Old Business  

a. Chery Hill Entrance  

i. Carol put together landscaping plan  

1. Trees flagged for removal 

2. Contacted 4 companies for bidding new work  

b. Culdesacs and islands  

i. Not marked up yet  

ii. Overplanted to begin with  

iii. Use the rocks and plant 1 tree if needed  

iv. Most have control boxed on them, need way to hide it  

v. Stone walls and annuals?  

vi. Franks priced out cleanout/cut down  

vii. Look at full cost and decide to do all or partial  

c. Tree replacement  

i. 3 that might need replacement on the berm  

ii. Fell during winter storms  

d. Garage Sale  

i. June 6-8  

ii. Promotion  

1. Signs – wk of 5/20  

2. Email to homeowners  

a. Check past emails  

3. Social media posts  

e. Spring planting  

i. Beck entrance – Township’s responsibility  

1. Send letter to township about corrective actions needed  

a. Landscaping has gaps, can it be filled in  

b. Greg  

f. Sprinklers/Well  

i. Blair will be out 1st week of May to turn on  

ii. Someone had dug around Glengarry well  

1. Canton went out and fixed it  

g. Storm drains  

i. Still need to be done  

ii. Debi to request quotes  

9. New Business  

a. Roadwork  

i. No additional comments  

b. Annual Meeting  

i. Add to June agenda  

c. Parking issues at CH entrance  

10. Public Comments  

a. None  

11. Next meeting planned for June 4, 2024 @ 6:30 pm  

12. Public meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm 


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