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2022 October 25 HOA Meeting Minutes

02/17/2024 1:08pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting: HOA Board Meeting
Date: October 25, 2022
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: 9357 General Drive, Suite 125 Plymouth, MI 48170

Meeting was called to order at 7:33 pm Attendees:

 HOA Board
o Ron Thompson (RT)

o Steve M Hazime (SH) o Carol Savoni (CS)
o Dr. Derek Bair (DB) o Hassan Ajami (HA)

 Others
o Ken McCaffery (KM)

o Debi Micallef (DM) with IPM
 Subdivision’s property management company

  1. SH started with a call to order and a run through the agenda

    1. No minutes to approve from previous meetings

    2. No reports to discuss

  2. New business is to select officers

    1. CS made a comment regarding officer nominations via email not being the

      proper place and requested board proceed with selections at the meeting

    2. President

      1. RT indicated his intention to run for this position

      2. SH indicated his intention to run for this position

      3. Vote was taken, 3 votes in favor of RT, 2 for SH

      4. RT selected as HOA Board President

    3. Vice President

      1. DB indicated his intention to run for this position

      2. No other candidates

      3. DB selected as HOA Board Vice President

    4. Treasurer

      1. SH indicated his intention to run for this position

      2. CS indicated her intention to run for this position

      3. Vote was taken, 2 votes in favor of SH, 1 for CS, 1 abstention

iv. SH selected as HOA Board Treasurer e. Secretary

  1. CS indicated her intention to run for this position

  2. No other candidates

  3. CS selected as HOA Board Secretary

f. Architectural Review Committee (ACC)

  1. HA indicated his intention to run for this position

  2. No other candidates

  3. HA selected as HOA ACC Chair

  1. Secretary and ACC roles switched between HA and CS

    1. Board approved appointment of HA as secretary and CS as ACC chair

    2. HA will be part of committee

    3. DB will be part of committee

  2. Discussion on PRRMA

    1. Critical that the HOA send someone to attend to speak for our interests

    2. PRRMA rep does not have to be a board member

    3. RT to take on the role in the interim, Board to discuss at next meeting

    4. When is the next PRRMA meeting?

  3. Discussion on HOA webmaster

    1. Chad was the previous webmaster

    2. Have not heard from him regarding continuing

    3. Andrew W might be interested

    4. RT to reach out to both

  4. Discussion on a Code Enforcement Chair (CEC)

    1. Look for code issues within the subdivision

    2. Interact with IPM and Township

    3. Table for now, further discussion needed

  5. Discussion on the budget by KM

    1. HOA fees were at $605 for approximately 10 years

    2. Had to increase by 8% for 2022 to $655

    3. There are 263 homes in the sub

    4. Total income is $172,264.00

    5. PRRMA is approximately $90,000 per year

  6. Discussion on the HOA’s management company – IPM

    1. Hired 10 years ago

    2. They handle

      1. Contracts with vendors

      2. Insurance

      3. HOA fee collection

      4. Late notices to homeowners

      5. Audits

    3. Budget is developed by IPM and the HOA Treasurer

i. Presented to the Board for approval

  1. Payments sent by IPM to vendors

  2. Late fees assessed for HOA dues

  3. Typical vendor quotes

    i. Trees
    ii. Landscaping

    iii. Snow Removal

    iv. Sprinklers/Wells

  4. IPM handles site inspections

i. If a complaint comes in, IPM will inspect the site h. Question came up on IPM charging fees for property sales

  1. Typical practice

  2. Documents required by the state

  3. IPM is liable if information is not accurate

  4. Fees charged directly to the homeowner seller/buyer

9. SH to work on the budget for 2023, with KM assisting

a. Should the board raise dues?
i. Inflation, all costs have gone up

b. There is a budget surplus of ~ $105,000 10. HOA’s bank accounts

a. Need 2 people and DM to go to the banks and change approved signatories i. SH and RT

11. HOA’s historical documents
a. Were given to 2022 board president Steve Tokish

i. RT to reach out to him to collect the documents b. Should transition to digital documents for the future

12. Announcement of the new Board a. Put on the website – Chad?

13. Pending ACC requests
a. Windows, DM waiting on more information from the homeowner

  1. Set up a cadence of meetings

    1. Coordinate with IPM

    2. 3rd Tuesday of the month

  2. Open bids

a. Snow removal
i. Requests sent to multiple firms

1. 2 bids received – DJS & Suburban 2. DJS was the vendor this past winter

a. Issues with their work from some homeowners
3. IPM to reach out to remaining vendors and remind of due date

  1. Snow removal scope includes
    1. Plowing all streets & common sidewalks 2. Salting the intersections

  2. Decide on vendor at the next meeting

16. Open issues

a. Wells and Sprinklers
i. Need someone to winterize the systems

b. Glengarry Well

  1. Longstanding issue with the well and homeowner

  2. Homeowner was promised access to the well when it was installed

1. Any records of this?

  1. Issue with location of well – easement vs. non

  2. Township was to conduct a survey of the property

  3. Well cost is supposed to be a 60/40 split between the Township and HOA

    1. Repair costs

    2. Electric costs

  4. Well is not working, wait until survey to decide next steps

1. Should leave up to the Township 17. Next meeting planned for November 22, 2022

18. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm

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