2022 November 22 HOA Meeting Minutes
Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes
Meeting: HOA Meeting
Date: November 22, 2022
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D
Meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM Attendees:
HOA Board
o Ron Thompson (RT)
o Steve M Hazime (SH) o Carol Savoni (CS)
o Dr. Derek Bair (DB) o Hassan Ajami (HA)
o Debi Micallef (IPM)
o David W (homeowner) o Loraine (homeowner) o Valerie (homeowner) o Additional homeowner
RT started with a call to order
Ron Thompson
Derek Bair
Carol Savoni
Steve Hazime
Debi - IPM
Approval of agenda
SH – hold off on item 8D
Agenda approved
Approval of meetings
a. Records of last meeting
Will be posted to website
Will provide hardcopies
5. President’s Report
a. Recognize former directors and volunteers i. President
Architecture Review
b. Recognize volunteers remaining on
Carl Yoder – PRMMA
Chad – Webmaster 2nd
1. Andrew to take lead c. Looking forward to next few years
6. Treasurer’s report
Attach financials to minutes
Bank accounts
Waiting on State of Michigan to make change
Closed out Capital One account, transferred to Huntington
Reserve funds account
Will look at alternate accounts for better return
Recommend looking at Credit Union
a. Local investment
Architectural Review
No new requests
Waiting on paperwork from solar panel request
a. No one present 9. Old Business
a. Snow Removal
i. Contract signed
1. DJS 10. New Business
a. Approval of 2023 Budget
SH sent out memo related to budget
Didn’t have opportunity to look at new vendors or cost savings
Plan for next year
1. Evaluate expenses
iv. Had to make assumptions to complete 2023 budget
Minimum amount for tree maintenance
Some money for decorations, same as for 2022
CS – Has anything been done for this year?
Not yet
IPM reached out to former board member who handled
before, waiting to hear back
Landscaping bids
Received 1 bid so far
Project a 5% increase
PRRMA expenses expected to be the same
Snow Removal
Not billed as part of a year
Might get additional expenses
IPM Contract
a. Renewal up in October 2023
7. Other assumptions based on historical performance v. Hold budget and dues flat
1. Evaluate budget more closely next year vi. Recommend approval of 2023 budget
Motion to approve & 2nd
CS – Trees on Cherry Hill are mostly dead
How can these be covered with no budget increase?
SH – HOA maintains reserve fund, can use if needed
i. Evaluate direction for trees in the coming year c. Before, only cutting trees to ground level, not grinding
i. Can’t replant in that area until ground
d. Need to develop a tree strategy
i. Reserve fund and new board setup
vii. RT – Background from SH
1. Director of public pension fund
a. Manage budget of $14M
2. COO of building management company
viii. Budget approved 5-0 b. 2023 Dues Approval
0% increase in dues
2022 was 8% increase
Take opportunity to evaluate
Current dues are $655
Dues approved 5-0
11. Designation of IPM Liaison
Independent Property Management
In business for 33 years
Debi purchase 5 years ago
Family company
Several properties have been in IPM’s portfolio for 33 years
Took on additional properties
Downsized some properties due to location
Call office and reach Debi or Kim
2 Maintenance staff
SH & Debi met regarding having designated individuals to work directly with IPM
i. Motion to approve liaison 5-0
ii. Financial 1. SH
iii. Building/Architectural/Others
1. Adress action items that IPM requires 2. CS
iv. Approved 12. PRRMA
Carl Yoder agreed to continue to support
Motion to appoint Carl
i. SH – non-voting member d. Approved 5-0
13. 2023 Landscaping
1 bid received so far
9-10 requests sent out
Debi requests getting a written RFP on what’s required
RT – is there a prior scope of work?
Usually based on what Oakley has done in the past
Some areas were not being maintained
1. Golf course
iii. Want to get proactive on the future bids
e. Many
i. Irrigation, mulch, trimming, ...
other contractors do not do other services
Might not be able to get anyone to bid all work
Split out parts of the bid?
Have bidders list out subcontractors?
14. Glengarry Well (David – Homeowner at corner) a. Not working, needs to get fixed
i. David - Well is on property line
1. Equipment is in easement in back yard
PRRMA/Township issue
Cost split
Well location
Township had previously filled in mulch at Glengarry entrance all the way to Beck
Square sewer on Sandalwood
HOA’s responsibility?
DPW does not respond
Send request to IPM
1. Debi to check with homeowner after meeting
vi. Evaluate cost to fix well and sewer
e. Check during PRRMA meeting on payment split with Township
i. How long have bills not been paid?
f. Sewer at rear/side of home between the 2 houses
- Township refused to fix sewer in front of house i. Floods when getting lots of rain
Backing up
Goes to creek
g. Full inspection was done on the drains ~ 2016
Should be done again
Maintenance schedule?
1. 2-3 years
RT – Reason for PRRMA rep
Intent to make township and PRRMA to honor obligations
Homeowner – Township stated that each association, golf course, and township each get 1 vote. Associations never vote together
Fairway Pines stopped contributing to PRRMA before
i. PRRMA stopped fixing streets until FP got back on track
DB – Is there a correlation between well issues and tree issues?
No point to plant new trees if can’t water
Tree issue is disease related
Pines are dying
Spruce are close behind (Needle Cast)
RT – Background from CS
Concern about landscaping using Roundup
i. Spraying around the beds
m. Before – used to dig out grass around trees i. Mechanical bed edge
What is in the landscaping contract?
RT – recommend reviewing landscaping scope of work
David - Basement caved in
i. Hydrologist report – golf course not built properly ii. Michigan Foundation fixed it ($210K)
iii. Golf course promised to put in French drains, never installed
1. Michigan Foundation gave them quote
iv. Hydraulic pressure is building on where the well equipment is located v. PRRMA needs to be involved
vi. CS wants to measure where well is located on property line vii. Locks on the wells?
1. Used to be, all broken
2. Ppl have tried to steal equipment before
3. CS – Homeowner didn’t want a fence around equipment
Homeowner - No, board decided by itself
CS – put metal fence?
David – well shouldn’t be above ground
i. Should be a “Pitless well”
d. RT – David, can you write up something about it?
4. IPM has list of well companies
q. SH – visit both wells this weekend to see their condition
i. IPM - Last issue was with electrical panel @ Glengarry well
ii. Replacement at Cherry Hill well done before, no warranty information 1. Keller & Cribly called, Cribly fixed it
iii. Check with Ranson on locks and other equipment 15. Tree Trimming/Replacement
Need to develop
i. CS&DBtoworkon -
What are the property owner’s obligations?
Legal obligation of owners of the trees?
RT to do more research
16. Code Enforcement Chair
a. RT – Motivation is to keep properties updated/clean
Bylaws have no teeth
Can’t fine homeowners
Need 80% to change bylaws
1. Drops to 2/3 after 30 years
a. Article 8, Section 6 in Covenants b. Use township as enforcement arm
i. Need to keep on top of them
c. Formally appoint a CE chair and committee
Meet with township superintendent
David - Township has appointed someone to handle these issues and
work with HOA’s
CS – Ordinance is under police dept
RT – Focus on big issues
Valerie – spoke with ordinance about houses with boats, not an issue with
township, how to handle then?
SH – Supportive of endeavor, need communication with homeowners
i. Accountability
ii. Inquiry – ACC and Code Enf – what comes to the board?
h. Look at getting 2/3’s vote
i. Go house-to-house if needed
Get some success talking to people in person
SH – ACC chair, 3 board members
Are decisions still coming back to the board?
If split vote, yes, come to the board for final approval
If 3-0 in ACC, no need for full board decision
k. Code
i. Chair – RT
Enforcement – should be a committee
Members – SH, David Wdoviak, Valerie Krimmer, Loraine Yoneda
CS – should have homeowners as part of it
Does committee make decisions?
Members gather information and present to chair
Chair presents to board
Does this group handle ordinance only or covenant & restriction violations?
Ordinance mainly
Some might be both ordinance and C&R
DB – Allowed to go onto a homeowner’s property?
1. No, only easement
SH – Intent is to bring everything to the board?
RT as Chair with committee support
Communicate to homeowners of process and expectations
RT – Always want to give fair warning 1. How – in person
IPM – send out violation notices via letter or email 1. New portal tracks all comms
David – use knock on door or letter 1. Registered mail
2. RT – send certified mail
Motion to create Code Enforcement Committee and RT as chair
Approved 5-0
l. Motion on ACC process
3-0 vote, no need for full board
Split vote, take to full board
No vote, take to full board
Can do board approval through email
Add decisions into minutes for next meeting
Approved 5-0
17. Meeting with webmaster planned for Tuesday at 7pm
Administrative rights
Email to all homeowners
18. Discussion for next meeting – website and IPM portal 19. Public Comments
Loraine – Street drains are PRRMA
i. Ask how often they clean drains -
Zoom - Snow salting
i. Entrance and intersectionsii. Can request for additional areas, upcharge
Zoom – Plan to survey homeowners on changes to Cov& Rest?
i. Yes, will solicit input from homeowners
Issues & concerns
Attach to dues notice mailer
a. Email address to send comments to
IPM will be sending out homeowner information update
Send out a “Did You Know” mailer
a. Ex. What’s a violation?
5. Who will write request?
a. Homeowner volunteered – Rania Ajami
Valerie – Lives on Cherry Hill berm, lot 13
Grass issues, patchy, dead
Didn’t see any watering
CS – Infestation of insects killing grass & fungus
RT – saw lots of leftover grass clippings
Sprinkler issue on Cherry Hill not fixed until late summer
Valerie – Gardens getting out of control
i. Pushback in the past with homeowners, attorney got involved ii. C&R covers exterior modifications
iii. Community garden?
Zoom – How often will there be meetings open to everyone?
i. All meetings are open
CS – Christmas decorations
Past expense was $3,500
IPM to reach out to current vendor
20. Next meeting planned for January 10, 2023 @ 6:30pm a. Send out email to all homeowners
21. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 pm