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2023 April 4 HOA Meeting Minutes

02/17/2024 1:14pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting: HOA Meeting
Date: April 4, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D

Meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM Attendees:

 HOA Board
o Ron Thompson (RT)

o Steve M Hazime (SH) o Dr. Derek Bair (DB) o Hassan Ajami (HA)

 Others
o Carl Yoder

  1. RT started with a call to order

  2. Approval of agenda

    1. Addition to agenda – see latest copy

    2. Approved 3-0

  3. Approval of minutes

a. Approved 3-0 5. President’s Report

a. No formal report 6. Treasurer’s report

a. No formal report 7. Architectural Review

a. Speith – Driveway

  1. Approved by Arch Committee

  2. Someone requested a modification, who?

  3. Inform Debi that request approved.


  1. Meeting next Wednesday 4/12

  2. Survey company contracted

    1. Spalding De Decker

    2. Contact Carl & Steve when out to do survey

  3. Still deciding on road work to be done

i. Split between 2023 & 2024

ii. Entrance at Glengarry & Beck

  1. Agreed to pay for portion of well repair

    1. Submit quote to PRRMA

    2. In past PRRMA pays HOA, then goes to Township for reimbursement

  2. Grade issues with roadway

i. 341 Country Club Court

  1. Poured new driveway

  2. Road grading causing issues

f. Potholes

  1. No plans to work on until spring

  2. Carl sent map of marked potholes

9. Old Business
a. Glengarry Well

i. Survey in the works
b. Homeowner tree trimming issue

i. Resolved
c. Tree Trimming/Replacement Strategy

  1. Tree removal on berm is part of it

  2. Plan is

    1. Remove dead/diseased trees

    2. Get quotes for replacement

    3. Would association agree to homeowner paying for an upgraded


      1. Have to let all homeowners know

      2. Send notification to homeowners of plan with options for


      3. HOA retains control of type of tree

      4. Ron to develop proposal for next meeting

d. 2023 Landscaping Quotes


ii. e. Drain i. ii. iii.

Oakley selected
1. For landscaping and fertilizer

Still need irrigation quotes Inspection contract

Inspection performed Waiting on map
Next steps

1. Some needed corrective work

  1. Not something they can do

  2. Have to get bids

f. Alternative Energy

2. One area had a sinkhole Defer to next meeting

i. Survey to homeowners
1. Not sent yet, can’t get access to email system

ii. SH will check with Andrew on how to do a survey? g. Amendment to Covenants and Restrictions

i. RT – Updated amendment wording 1. Will send out for review.

h. Do’s & Don’ts list for landscaping

  1. DB to send out to everyone

  2. Send something similar for architectural reviews?

    1. Guidelines for what you can do

    2. What requires arch review form

    3. HA to develop

10. New Business
a. Garage Sale

  1. Spring time garage sale 1. Date?

  2. Check with other HOA’s for when they are doing their sales

1. HA - Check with Debi if she can reach out to them

a. Send us contact information for other HOAs iii. Put signs out early and send email out

11. Public Comments
a. Emailed comments

i. Flooding issues

  1. 310 Country Club Lane

  2. 46776 Mornington Rd

  3. Are these from the drain/creek?

  4. Are these from rain and yard drainage?

  5. Check drain inspection map to see if any are in these areas

  6. Debi to check with homeowners for more details

12. Next meeting planned for May 2, 2023 @ 6:30 pm 13. Meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm

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