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2023 May 2 HOA Meeting Minutes

02/17/2024 1:15pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting: HOA Meeting
Date: May 2, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D

Meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM by

 HOA Board

o Ron Thompson (RT) o Steve M Hazime (SH) o Dr. Derek Bair (DB) o Hassan Ajami (HA)
o Carol Savoni (CS)

 Others
o Carl Yoder (CY)

o Debi Micallef (DM) o Andrew Novak (AN) o Lorraine
o ???

1. Approval of agenda
a. Updated agenda approved 5-0

2. Approval of minutes a. Approved 5-0

  1. President’s Report a. None

  2. Treasurer’s report

a. Will cover later

5. Architectural Review
a. CS - How are responses relayed?

i. Backyard flooding issue

  1. Arch Review approval responses sent via Debi (IPM)

    1. Need Alt Mod forms to be filled out

    2. SH – can multiple addresses be set up for the board?

  2. Forms aren’t all submitted the same way

i. Too many ways of communication

  1. Website signup

    1. Is the code still valid?

    2. AN – not sure, was set up previously

    3. Website has emails but not accounts

  2. Add link to website for My Requests & arch review form

  1. Final responses to homeowners go through Debi/IPM

  2. Who is going to manage & track all requests?


  1. Pothole work is starting

    1. Areas marked

    2. Additional areas to be checked

  2. Resurfacing discussed at last PRRMA meeting

    1. Will be done in the subs

    2. Mornington is the worst, will be done first

1. Targeted for 2023 c. Sidewalks

  1. Some areas not repaired in 2022 are falling apart

  2. Aggressive repairs done last year, not much in 2023

  3. Will work on leveling some areas

  1. PRRMA meeting moved out 2 weeks

  2. Send mass response on potholes, trees, ...

  3. CS – Issue with cement at Mornington by the 4th hole

i. Send pictures to CY 7. Code Enforcement

a. RT – Shared package of codes/ordinances

  1. Association has gone down, homeowners not maintaining properties

  2. Group to walk properties and ID issues

  3. Need to identify what Township will respond to

1. CS spoke with ordinance officer, wasn’t interested in learning about noxious weeds

b. RT – who will be part of the group to walk around? i. RT, DB, CS

1. CS – Can we only look from the front of the property?

  1. RT – If No Trespassing sign, can’t enter

  2. DM – In past, have been told not to walk into yards

ii. RT will take final list to the Township
1. Board should all review and agree prior

c. SH – Are we going to communicate to homeowners about this initiative? i. Yes, should send out the packet

1. RT to send to AN

  1. Township holds owner and tenant responsible

  2. CY – Some houses along #4 have extended into the golf course property

  3. CS – House on corner of Eastbourne & Mornington have chain link fence

i. Other owners seeing issues and following same path

8. Old Business
a. Glengarry Well

  1. Survey was completed, property marked

    1. Wellhead is up against the property line

    2. All other equipment is outside the line

  2. SH – What does the Township want us to do?

1. Sent email to Bill (City Engineer) about it

a. Deferred to Canton Leisure Services (CLS), waiting on their reply

2. Want to wait for CLS to approve work before doing anything a. Golf course property is controlled by CLS

iii. SH – Spoke with homeowner about lines, fence, ... 1. Homeowner will fight any changes

iv. Issue impacts other homeowner concerns

  1. 2023 Irrigation Quotes

    i. 2 quotes received

    1. Old Faithful in Livonia

      1. Opening - $1,050

      2. Closing - $1,050

      3. Repairs

        i. Service $50
        ii. Emergency $115

        iii. Rate - $85/hour iv. Spray Heads - $10 v. Rotor Heads - $24

    2. Homelawn & Beyond (Blair)

      1. Opening - $400

      2. Sprinkler Repair - $50

      3. Winterization - $500

    3. Motion to approve H&B – 5-0

  2. Drain Inspections
    i. Detailed report?

    1. No breakdowns

    2. Which drains are HOA vs PRRMA vs Township

    ii. Yard flooding issues – still need to review

    iii. Will not do the back yard drains

1. Get contacts to reach out to d. Amendment to Covenants and Restrictions

  1. RT – Had amendment reviewed by legal

  2. Mass email to homeowners to review and approve

  3. DB – Email homeowners about work being done by the HOA

  4. AN – Website is not easiest to find

1. Use emails more
a. Updates, in progress, ...

2. CY – Is website up to date?
a. Waiting on information to post

e. Homeowner Survey
i. SH – Draft sent out to board

  1. Work with AN to send to homeowners

  2. CS – MI one of few states w/o laws about solar, should this note

    be added? – No

  3. AN – Newer products on market, less obvious

    1. Add question – “How do you feel about other solar products that are not panels”

    2. RT – AN to work with SH to update

  4. HA – Question 6, should this remain?

  5. DM – Electronic survey, let people know it’s a short survey

f. Garage Sale

  1. June 1st to June 3rd

  2. Send emails – now and week before

  3. Post to website

  4. Put signs on entrances

  5. Approved 5-0

9. New Business

a. Tree Replacement

  1. CS – Need to get a budget

    1. ID which houses to go after first

  2. SH- $110k in reserves

    1. Estimate $15k for well, + $7k for drains 2. Goal is to keep $50-60k in reserves
    3. Prefer to stay within $25-30k on trees

  3. CS – Approx $1k/tree 1. Evergreens

  4. RT – Would rather have a shorter tree now than nothing till next year

  5. CS – Trees usually done in Fall

1. Look at what’s available
a. Fir, spruce, no pine

  1. Lucas is not consistent

  2. DM – Try Crimboli’s

  1. SH – Resolve question about splitting cost with homeowner to get a

    taller tree?

    1. CS – Price goes up exponentially with height

    2. Get quotes for review

  2. CS – Do we want a warranty on the trees?

1. Get quotes with and w/o

b. Online Portal
i. DM – Blocked Alt-Mod forms

1. Only use for payments

ii. SH – Lets discuss the website & portal in the Fall 1. If building from new, how do we do it?

iii. AN – Website is designed for HOAs but we don’t use most of the features

  1. Easy to maintain

  2. If changing, don’t make it harder to update/maintain

10. Public Comments

  1. Emailed comments

    1. All covered

    2. Send mass email to all

    3. HA – Draft response, send to board

    4. Check link in email, subject needs to be changed

  2. Arch Review that just came in – shutters and door

    1. Approved 5-0

    2. Need to get official form

11. Next meeting planned for June 6, 2023 @ 6:30 pm 12. Public meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm
13. Entered closed session at 8:11 pm
14. Closed Session adjourned at 8:42 pm

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