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2024 January 9 HOA Meeting Minutes

02/17/2024 1:27pm

Fairways at Pheasant Run

Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2024


Attendees:  D. Bair, M. Hazime, A. Nowak, D. Micallef, R. Thompson      Excused:  H. Ajami


Call to Order – R. Thompson called meeting to order at 6:38pApproval of agenda – unanimous approval.

  • Approval of minutes – unanimous approval; no discussion or changes
  • Officers Reports
  • President’s Report – no report
  • Treasurer’s Report – S. Hazime reported that some funds pulled from reserves in 2023 were not spent; requested funds be returned to the reserve account and to start 2024 with a fresh slate; unanimous agreement.
  • Committee Reports
  • Architectural Report – H. Ajami unable to attend meeting.  D. Bair and A. Nowak noted that the greatest interest is in solar power; meeting to be scheduled in February to finalize HOA requirements for solar power with H. Ajami; D. Bair to contact H. Ajami to schedule.
  • PRRMA – D. Bair noted that construction continues at 351 Country Club Ct involving sidewalk and water main; discussion held that completion of project will probably be delayed until spring; will reach out to C. Yoder for verification.   M. Hazime noted that PRRMA paid $1500 for closure of wells for 2023; stated that we need to make certain that PRRMA be billed in the future for costs related to wells (i.e., repairs, opening/closing, electricity, etc.) and the HOA be billed for their 40% responsibility: D. Micallef expressed concern that PRRMA is not always timely on paying which might be an issue regarding electricity.  Report accepted unanimously. Discussion held regarding township’s marking sidewalks for replacement; estimated cost to HOA is $12K; unbudgeted item. Township will be purchasing cement in bulk and thus a potential cost savings vs purchasing repairs outside of township offer; board agreed that having township perform the work will likely be the least expensive way to proceed; D. Micallef has requested quotes for cost comparison. 
  • Code Enforcement – no report. D.Bair opened discussion about non-compliant homeowners that we did not address in fall 2023 in hopes of getting bylaws vote. He recommended that welan to start property inspections in the early spring; all were in agreement.  Discussion held about current obvious issue at 502 Sandalwood Rd.; missing siding.  D. Bair to mockup letter for board regarding ongoing violations at that address. 
  • Old Business
  • Solar Guidelines – see Architectural Report comments.
  • Snow & Lawn Care RFP – D. Micallef reported that contracts are signed; Oakley for grounds keeping and Home, Lawn and Beyond for snow removal.  M. Hazime requested breakdown on anticipated costs.
  • Website Cleanup – A. Nowak reported that he has not made progress on updating website.  D. Micallef to provide A. Nowak with updated homeowner list 2nd quarter to present based on “welcome packages” sent to new owners.  
  • New Business – Discussion held to keep HOA meetings on the first Tuesday of the month; D. Micallef to reserve space at township building.
  • Public Comments – No non-board members were present at meeting.
  • Adjourn Public Meeting – Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm
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