2024 March 5 HOA Meeting Minutes
07/20/2024 2:27pm
Fairways at Pheasant Run Homeowners Association
Meeting Minutes
Meeting: HOA Meeting
Date: March 5, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Canton Township Administration Building, Room D
Meeting was called to order at 6:34 PM by RT
- HOA Board
- Ron Thompson (RT)
- Hassan Ajami (HA)
- Derek Bair (DB)
- Andrew Nowak (AN)
- Others
- Debi Micallef (DM)
- Carl Yoder
Discussions prior to the September meeting:
- Approval of agenda
- Approved 4-0
- Approval of minutes
- Approved 4-0
- President’s Report
- No report
- Treasurer’s report
- No report
- Architectural Review
- 3 requests
- Addition to the house
- Need more information from howeowner
- Solar addition Glengarry
- David Wdowiak
- 3 panels on front of house
- Not approved per the guidelines
- Modify and resubmit
- Debi to reply
- 3 panels on front of house
- David Wdowiak
- Solar addition Glengarry
- Andrew Nowak
- Addition to the house
- 3 requests
- Road repair map released
- Fairways supposed to be first one worked on
- No start date defined yet
- Send notice to all homeowners when work is starting and restrictions
- No parking on road
- Country Club Ct sidewalk
- Issue due to broken water main
- Homeowner had replaced driveway before
- Road at end of driveway sinking
- PRRMA will fix when doing roadwork
- External sidewalks (Cherry Hill, Beck)
- PRRMA will handle it
- Entrances
- Who’s responsible for these?
- Beck Rd is Township property
- Landscaping
- Replace trees/shrubs
- Fill in gaps
- Power washing due to rust color
- Power outlet on Cherry Hill
- Existing lights there, but no outlet
- Who’s responsible for these?
- Road repair map released
- Code Enforcement
- DB working on demand letter
- Old Business
- Website Cleanup
- AN – Complete!
- Missing October and November minutes
- Check website for issues
- Website Cleanup
- New Business
- Cherry Hill Entrance
- Power access
- Landscaping plan
- Derek & Carol meeting 3/6
- Trees need to be checked, some not healthy
- Planting plan?
- Annuals, perennials
- Oakley can handle planting annuals/perennials
- Wasn’t done in past due to sprinkler issues
- Separate quote
- 3 areas, < $3k
- CH entrance
- Glengarry off of Beck
- Transition btwn subs @ Glengarry
- 3 areas, < $3k
- AN – Use native plants?
- AN – Does Oakley do any seeding?
- Not in their scope
- Wait to see how it recovers with sprinklers working now
- New Trash Pickup
- Tree Replacement
- Survey required to note which to take care of first
- Can’t do all, not enough budget
- Cherry Hill Entrance
- Public Comments
- None
- Next meeting planned for April 2, 2024 @ 6:30 pm
- Public meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm
- Closed meeting
- Qureshi paid off his account
- Higgins in a payment plan